Apa Itu ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning untuk UMKM

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is main process management of a business. Main process like accounting, project management, marketing, manufacturing, supply chain, human resources, sales and many more. ERP is the platform to centralize the data and business information and also the operations.

How ERP works?

ERP serves as the brain of the business. Business processes connect each other and generate workflow.

Sistem will combine different reports and metrics across all departments or divisions in to the same view. Therefore, it will be very easy to see the business health until how the business resources are channeled.

Right now, the ERP system is very important for so many businesses, from SMEs to enterprises in various industries.

Odoo ERP System

Odoo is IT systems you need to manage the whole divisions and business operations easier and more efficient.

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ERP system benefits


  • Simplify your business
    Software atau ERP system are digitalize your company. On the other hand, simplified processes and set clear responsibilities for every business decision.

  • Give better services
    Control of every business activity can help you provide better services, experience and support to your stakeholders (customers, vendors, clients, employees etc).

  • Automation in your business operations
    ERP will reduce your time. You can focusing on growth, because daily operations will be automated! (accounting, purchasing, payroll, recruitment, sales, inventory etc)

  • Whole view in seconds
    Own all data in one place from sales, inventory until loss profit statement. So you can make and analyze every reports instant and easy.

What kind of ERP system should we use?

  • Large-scale ERP
    Large-scale ERP like SAP, Oracle, Dynamics is the right solutions and very integrated with various business. True to its name, large-scale ERP fit for big businesses and corporations because the system is very complex. Also it costs very high, and unaffordable for SMEs.

  • One app for one process (vertical application)
    This solutions is very easy to find and use it, because usually only focused on one business process. Like Trello for task management, or SalesForce for CRM. But, every single app is not integrated, and possibility for automation is very limited.

  • Combination of both (Large-scale & vertical app)
    Combine large-scale ERP systems and vertical apps. Is ERP system that wide coverage, flexible and friendly price.

    Wide coverage means a lot business processes that can be automated. Also, you will be very flexible to use the whole system, or only several module or management system you need. Its feels like using vertical apps, its just everything is fully integrated. With this options, the price will be more affordable.

  • Is there an ERP system that can do that?"

Solutions for managing business easier and automatic

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