Comparison of NCS and UNSPSC Codifications

Understand the codification differences between NSC and UNSPSC in order to determine the right type of codification for your company's inventory

Supply chain management is an important aspect of running a business. Effective and efficient management will help companies maximize profits and increase competitiveness in the global market. One of the important elements in supply chain management is the coding system, which is used to classify products and services in certain categories.

In this article, we will comparing between the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) and the NATO Codification System (NCS), two coding (standardization) systems commonly used in supply chain management.

The History

UNSPSC is a coding system developed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 1998. This system is used to group products and services into the same category, making it easier for companies to find the products and services they need and to compare products and services from various vendors.

Meanwhile, NCS is a codification system developed by NATO in 1958. This system is used to classify products and services required by NATO's military, and since then it has been implemented by many other countries in supply chain management.

The main difference between UNSPSC and NCS lies in the purpose of developing the coding system. UNSPSC is used for supply chain management in general, while NCS is more intended for military supply chain management.

Comparison of NCS and UNSPSC

Type of Products
Military products
All products and services
Ensure the availability, reliability and safety of military products
Optimizing supply chain and cost savings
Use for
Commonly used for NATO military products
Can be used in various types of procurement and supply chain management
Limited within the territory of NATO and NATO partners
Structure Code
The 13 characters consist of country code, manufacturer code and product code
Divided into 8 or 10 characters consisting of categories, groups, classes and items
Emphasize product control and safety
Emphasizes flexibility and cost savings
ProsIncrease the efficiency of procurement of military products
Improve supply chain management efficiency and cost savings
Limited to certain military products and geographic areas
Lack of control and security on non-military related products

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In supply chain management, a coding system can assist companies in finding and comparing products and services from various vendors, optimizing procurement and stock management, and ensuring that the products and services used meet high standards.

Choosing Right Codification System for Your Company

UNSPSC and NCS are two coding systems commonly used in supply chain management. UNSPSC is designed for general supply chain management, while NCS is more intended for military supply chain management. While NCS has advantages in terms of ensuring high quality standards and making it easier for companies to compare products and services from various vendors, it also has disadvantages in terms of complexity and limitations in the categories of products and services received.

In choosing the right coding system for supply chain management, companies need to consider the intended use, scope, level of complexity, vendor availability, quality standards, and implementation time and costs. By considering these factors, companies can choose the coding system that best suits their needs and helps increase efficiency in supply chain management.

UNSPSC and NCS each have advantages and disadvantages that companies need to consider in choosing the right coding system for their supply chain management needs. Ultimately, the choice between UNSPSC and NCS will depend on the company's intended use, scope and resources.

However, if a company wants to use a coding system that is more flexible and can be widely used in supply chain management, UNSPSC may be a more appropriate choice. Whereas, if the company is involved in the procurement of NATO military products and services, and requires a higher level of control and security, then NCS may be a more appropriate choice.

In implementing a codification system, companies also need to ensure that the system can be integrated with existing supply chain management systems, and ensure that the vendors used can also access and use the same codification system.


Companies need to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the coding system used and make necessary changes to improve efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain management.

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